Mission Farm News
Mission Farm gifted quilt
At a simple service on Easter Sunday, a rainbow of color was unveiled in a dossal behind the altar at Church of Our Saviour at Mission Farm in Killington.
The Graze V.155: Emergence - Inspiration and Grief
Spring flowers and peeping tree frogs; the smell of pollen and the buzz of bees remind us to notice what is emerging in our world.
The Graze V.154: Roll Away the Stone
As that stone is rolled away on Easter morning, we are given a radical vision for a kinder world - rooted and grounded in love.
The Graze V.153: Part of the Story
“The grass never sleeps. Or the roses. Nor does the lily have a secret eye that shuts until morning.”
The Graze V.152: Palms And Candles
How we walk through this week and beyond matters - the symbols we use; the words we say; our actions toward one another and the earth.
The Graze V.151: The Season of Mud
In between winter and spring in Vermont is the Season of Mud. The abundant snow disappears and dark, rich earth emerges.
The Graze V.150: Invitation
In 1891 Elizabeth Wood Clement had a vision for Mission Farm - her birthplace- in the heart of the Green Mountains of Vermont. Elizabeth, envisioned this place should be dedicated to the betterment of the local rural community.
The Graze V.149: Germination
We often talk about the emergence of something new happening at Mission Farm. Seeds that have been planted years ago, now emerging as an invitation for connection.
The Graze V.148: Flow
In ancient sacred texts, a river can be a symbol of the abundance or flow from God to humanity.
The Graze V.147: Sun Dogs
We speak of light and darkness as if they are opposites but in reality, lightness and darkness only have meaning in relation to one another.
The Graze V.146: People Care, Earth Care, Fair Share
Permaculture in agriculture embraces practices such as swales, compost, companion planting, and regenerative farming.
The Graze V.145: Connection and Belonging
Our focus this year at Mission Farm is ‘Radical Invitation,’ as we restore our inherent connection to nature, Spirit, each other and our ancestors.
The Graze V.144: Beauty and Uncertainty
Living in a transitional age such as ours is unsettling. We do not know what to expect.
The Graze V.143: Sacred Eating
Our Mission Farm chickens represent a pathway toward participation in a healing ecosystem: they help to revitalize our soil; build our compost pile; produce delicious eggs and they bring joy to life at Mission Farm.
The Graze V.142: A Dream
It is reassuring to remember that the days are slowly growing longer as the Killington Valley finds itself in the coldest days of winter.
The Graze V.141: Love That Changes Everything
Mid-morning, the fog at Mission Farm clears and the sun peeks through the clouds and shines on the icy ground below.
The Graze V.140: What Matters Most?
"What matters most?”. This is a powerful question that arises out of the layers of the holidays and the anticipation of the new year.
The Graze V.139: Undercurrents
A snowshoe with Simone on this winter solstice morning reminded me that the world is sparkling, spacious, generous and life giving.
The Graze V.138: Holy Mess
I awoke this week with a list in my head - a list of all of things that needed to get done before Christmas…
The Graze V.137: Nothing is Lost
I tucked bulbs of crocus, narcissus and tulip around the perimeter of the cemeteries at Mission Farm this week.
Snow fell this week - covering the soil and reminding me that we begin again.