The Graze V.145: Connection and Belonging

Dear Friends:

Winter can be a difficult time. Add the ongoing concern about spreading viruses and frigid temperatures, and issues of loneliness and connection become more challenging. Our focus this year at Mission Farm is ‘Radical Invitation,’ as we restore our inherent connection to nature, Spirit, each other and our ancestors. We are creating spaces, offering programs and convening gatherings that highlight this intention.

As we move toward spring, we are engaging in work with the land to bring a closer sense of belonging between the ecosystem and one another. We are creating accessible paths and picnic areas. We are improving our trails for public use. We are continuing to expand the apiary and gardens. And, we are commissioning a community space - an ‘Odeon’ to offer a radical invitation for gathering people together. This project has been in the planning stages for over a year with artist and author, Dan Snow, The Odeon will be a space that connects us to the past and looks toward the future as we gather with the intention of connection.

This project is a part of the larger picture of ‘Invitation’ that we envision for the future of Mission Farm. We will offer a gathering this winter (over warm soup!) to share more information on this project and to invite your support. In the meantime, please donate here and watch for more opportunities to connect!

Blessings of connection and belonging,



The Graze V.146: People Care, Earth Care, Fair Share


The Graze V.144: Beauty and Uncertainty