The Graze V.188: The Light of the World

Dear Friends,

One of my favorite things about living at Mission Farm, is walking at night under the gentle light of the moon. It is particularly wonderful after it snows. The moonlight illuminates the hillside and lights a path down Mission Farm Road. The shadows are subtle - a fluctuating balance of light and dark.

Walking through the midwinter landscape somehow settles my need for shiny perfection. I fall in love with the beauty of shadows and the depth of mystery. Our ancient scriptures tell the story of light and dark as inseparable: The whole of Creation is described as a cycle: “Evening came and morning came and it was the first day” (Genesis 1:5). As I walk along the path through the meadows, I remember the seeds that lie deep under the snow and the soil, slowly evolving. I am struck by the cosmic patience and freedom of God to create a wholeness hidden from our eyes.

This is the season of unexpected grace and new life. Perhaps there is something of this mystery present as we gather for Night Prayers on Thursday evenings through Advent. Perhaps, we can discover some mystery and joy through a book in our Advent Storytime. This week we listen to the book, I Am You, A Book About Ubuntu by Zinelda McDonald (a gift to Mission Farm from our friend, Jane Wolfe). It is read by Nancy Daigle with music by Liz Reedy. I would love to hear how Love is speaking to you these days.

With deep gratitude for the wholeness of you and the shadow and light of the infinite Love that embraces us,

🌱 Lisa


The Graze V.189: Abundant Generosity


The Graze V.187: Gladden the Hearts