The Graze V.187: Gladden the Hearts

Dear Friends,

A blanket of snow covers the hills and roads at Mission Farm. As we enter December, the balance of life shifts and the temperatures drop. We focus on keeping the buildings just ‘warm enough’ and finding new forms of joy.

For so many, the holidays are a swirl of sorrow and stress. The news in the world is grim and scientists give us new evidence of our planet in crisis. How do we find a way to honor the sacred mystery of our universe without shrinking from the current challenges of life on Earth?

When I look at the stars in the dark night sky, I want to claim the fierce and wild hope that lives in this season. There is light. There is love. There is joy.

Advent is a season that asks us to stay present; to be embodied in a world full of heartbreaking brokenness and breathtaking beauty. I find direction in paying attention to what is before me; what is within me; what is around me: the brilliant snow, the majestic mountains, the bluejay in the bush outside my kitchen window; the warmth of the fire in the hearth. This is where I catch a glimpse of joy.

I invite you to join our Thursday Night Prayer - either in-person or on Zoom (see link below) . I am also delighted to share our Advent Storytime - weekly videos of stories of hope and joy read by Nancy Daigle with music by Liz Reedy. Friends, we are meant to experience joy.

With deep gratitude for the light you bear,

🌱 Lisa


The Graze V.188: The Light of the World


The Graze V.186: Widening Circles