The Graze V.178: To Bless and Be Blessed

Hi Friends:

The sun broke through the clouds this morning - warming my face and illuminating the dry golden leaves on the sugar maples. The birds chatter and announce their departure. The squirrels gather berries and nuts to store away for the coming cold weather. The porcupine feasts on pears in the tree. The voices of the universe sing together in a chorus of beauty and love.

This Sunday we celebrate St. Francis, the patron saint of ecology. He is frequently depicted as a garden statue, but Francis was more than an adornment for nature lovers. Francis of Assisi granted animals, and the earth subjectivity, respect and mutuality. In his writings, he describes a participatory universe in which God loves and cares for us through “Brother Sun, Sister Moon, Brothers Wind and Air, Sister Water, Brother Fire.” Francis understood the transformational power of Love’s presence within all creation.

The full moon this week serves as a reminder of what unites us all - our precious Earth. At the most fundamental level, we are interconnected with creation. This includes the air we breathe, the food we consume, and the water we rely on for survival. We are fortunate to have the sacredness, benevolence, and worth of the entire material world. And we all have the opportunity to experience this overflowing love.

So as we bless, we are blessed.

🌱 💚 Lisa


The Graze V.179: Falling


The Graze V.177: An Infrastructure of Companionship