The Graze V.163: The Edge of the Wild


I am learning what it means to live on the edge of the wilderness. Some will argue that Mission Farm is hardly ‘the wilderness’. We have running water, electricity, cable service, and a paved road. Nevertheless, my life at Mission Farm reminds me daily of the more-than-human population that lives on this land.  I am mindful of my relationship with our neighbors - the black bear, moose family, beavers, mergansers, turtles, toads, and so many others.

Our lives intersect every day. The thrush and the warblers send warning calls to remind me of their vulnerable nests when we walk the trails. The bears create chaos as they explore the beehives and capture a taste of the sweet honey. Snapping turtles cross the paved road to the river’s edge.  These interactions change me. They offer an invitation for a faith that is part of a larger world.  -They guide my understanding that the wildness is for us, not against us.

In a metaphorical way, the wilderness represents our evolution to a deeper life. We experience wilderness in our lives even without the bears and the beavers.  Anytime your identity is uncertain, your faith is upended; your community is in turmoil; Anytime you long for the healing of this suffering planet.

Standing at the edge of the wilderness, we are invited to become a part of something larger. Connecting to this larger life is the vision for this space at the edge of the wilderness. Make your way to the river. Come and taste the honey. The invitation is open.

I am so grateful to be standing here with you,

🌱 Lisa+


The Graze V.164: A Tapestry of Rock and Root


The Graze V.162: Believe the Bird