The Graze V.134: Ebb and Flow
Dear Friends:
The first snow arrived last night at Mission Farm. We are (always) rushing to finish all of the ‘things’ before snow covers the ground - the garden put to bed; the buildings winterized; the chickens relocated to a more accessible space. We are close…. but still have firewood to split. (This children’s book has always been a favorite in our house!)
The experience of winter forces us to be attuned to the natural world. Our attention turns to the elements, the earth, stone, fire, water, the ebb and flow of seasons, the pattern of the year as it swings on its axis from the dark days of winter to the coming of light and Spring.
There is a rhythm that was established long ago in harmony with this land and with the natural ebb and flow of the seasons. This rhythm required that bodies and minds were engaged in what needed to happen for survival. This rhythm invited imagination and opportunities to experience joy and connection. This innate spiritual life was complimented by an intentional prayer space within a stone church built at Mission Farm in 1895.
Mission Farm continues to be a space of living faith. Recognizing the Divine in everything encourages a reverence for God’s creation and a personal responsibility for the care for this magnificent world. Together we ask: What if our attention to become better stewards, to encourage the organic life of the soil, to cultivate food and flowers, helps to bring healing to the earth and food to our community on our particular patch of earth? What if others could be inspired to do the same?
This rhythm of life is spiritual work. May we be lead to live out what we most profoundly believe.
With warm blessings, a good book, and a cup of tea on a frosty evening,